Phew! I'm back. It's been approximately forever and a day since my last blog post and that's because lots of things have been happening. 2016 is a crazy year. Just, mad. In January I quit my job and moved in with my parents to help them renovate and also to spend time with them and my other family in the area and then a week ago I moved to Scotland. WHAT? Yes. 

It was all pretty wild because I knew when I moved back to NSW that I'd be coming here in July, so I had 6 months to plan and fret and organise and say goodbye and all the things that you do when you know about something life changing well in advance. 

I didn't have internet at my parents house, it's like this wonderland of isolation, no TV, no internet, no neighbours which was both relaxing and frustrating at times but explains the lack of activity online. It was quite nice to be able to reset myself though. 2015 was a strange year for me, a lot of things changed and I had to let go of a few people that had already let go of me, so I came into 2016 emotionally drained and a little overwhelmed by everything. Plus I turned 25 in April and had a mild panic attack thinking about how I've essentially accomplished nothing. Only to calm myself down because 25 is still super young and I've done a whole heap of cool things and life isn't a competition so I needn't time myself. That applies to you too you know. There's really no point comparing yourself and your milestones to others because everyone sets their own pace. I bet you're wonderful and I would think that everything you've done is amazing.

So yes, I've moved to Scotland to work as an Au Pair again, this time in all girl household! I'll write a separate post on that soon. In the meantime just know that I'm back on my feet and have 24/7 internet access again so I'll be considerably more active now than I was. I think I'll be changing things up around here too. Trying my hand at different things. 

Welcome to the experimental stage of my blogging life.

Lily Pie


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