What I Wore Weekly Roundup 4

Another week done and dusted! My first week at my new job in fact! I'm so so so excited/nervous/ready.  
Monday August 3rd: My first day of training! Met some of the amazing people I'll be working with, and learnt so much in the short hours I was there, so much to take in. 

 Tuesday August 4th: Second day of work come at me! Because my hours are 3-11 this week I keep waking up at like, 10 am. Oh dear. Another fantastic day at the new job, making some real friendships already!
 Wednesday August 5th: Decided to go for a way more cute look today, these little heels can hurt if I wear them all day, but since I sit down it's not so bad, they also sound really cool and I feel like an 80's business woman, ready to take over the world!
 Thursday August 6th: Smart casual is possibly the best of the work attires, so much scope for cute and comfortable outfits without it being too strict, or me feeling too dressy. 
 Friday August 7th: Friday at long last! After work I went to a bar called Kerbside to catch up with my college friends (hooray!) it was so super amazing to see all their lovely faces again. 
 Saturday August 8th: Ah the weekend at last! It was so good to see my housemates! I've felt like a ghost all week, never home when they are. So tonight we went to dinner at the Caxton Pub and afterwards rented a private karaoke booth for two hours and made plans to start a household band. 
Sunday August 9th: I had plans to get up early, to do things with my friends, but instead I ended up sleeping in very late. VERRRYYYY LATE. Went to Trish's to hang out and did a little grocery shopping too. 

Hope you've all had fantastic weeks too!




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